Throughout this month, I’ve shared some valuable lessons that have helped to mold me into a woman that I am learning to love more and more each day. This year has been all about personal growth and learning to grab life by the horns and roll with the punches.

I’ve had my share of road blocks, but one thing that I had to learn was to change my mindset. I’ve learned to pause and say, “What can you change,” and in the face of mayhem and madness, it has been this simple phrase that has been my saving grace.

At the end of last school year, I still didn’t have a Counseling position, but I knew in my heart that I didn’t want to go back into the classroom. Instead of getting stressed and depressed per norm, I got active. I began to take development courses that would help to hone the skills I would need as a Counselor, started putting together ideas I wanted to implement, and started praying with a little more intensity. Someone once told me to start preparing for my blessings in advance, so I begin to move in preparation for my Counseling job. I didn’t receive my promotion on the 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd interview, but I knew this school year I would be starting off with an office (even if it had to be a home office). And on the day I planned to quit my teaching position, I received the promotion I had been prayerfully and actively preparing for ahead of time.

With every bit of adversity that comes my way, I take it all in, gives myself some time to digest and embrace my feelings, and then I figure out a way to make shit happen. There are a lot of things that I can not change, but I can change my mindset. Life really sucks sometimes, there’s no way around it, but in the meantime, I’m riding this thang until the wheels fall off. I’ve decided that in my 30s I’m coming for everything that God said I could have, and in the process, I’m becoming the best version of myself. The most valued things in life almost never come free from pain, turmoil, sweat, and tears, so it’s up to you to sometimes pick up the pieces and make some shit happen.

With Love and Sparkles,