In 2013, I wrote a blog post titled, Reasons and Seasons one week before my first book release.  Ironically, that same post embodies my exact sentiments today, but there is one significant difference.  At 30, I have finally learned to be more in tune with God, I hear him, I breathe him, and I now understand the beauty in trusting without understanding.

Over the course of a year, it is amazing just how much your life can change, and 2016 has been a “season” of blessings and lessons.  In this season, I’ve learned that even on my best day, my “I” does not compare to the “we” that has manifested now that I’ve learned to trust God and HIS plan.  My season of heartache and misery at 29 was filled with the growing pains I needed to evolve enough for things to revolve at 30.  We can sometimes never understand the story until we get to the glory, and it has only been in recent months that I’ve begun to understand why God had to break me to remake me.  At 29, I thought that it was through my strengths and my works that blessings would manifest, but at 30, I understand that HIS plan and his HIS timing will always prevail, and that sometimes he has to humble you to bless you.

This season has been filled with learning how to overcome, breaking down barriers, gaining clarity and focus, and learning to walk in purpose.  From starting my dream job, to launching The Sparkle Files, to being two week aways from publishing my third novel, I am still amazed at how things have been coming together.  At the start of this year, I wrote   down a list of goals I wanted to accomplish and came up with plans to achieve each one, and now here we are in the last quarter, and almost every single one of those goals will either be crossed off my list or at least in process before the year ends.  Growth.

At 30, I have learned that the trials and adversity you face in every season are for a reason, and that sometimes growth is painful.  But it is often through pain that we change, and in this season, it was for the better.

With Love and Sparkles,